Saturday, December 10, 2011

Goodnight, never...?

Goodnight, Never...

What could be better than going to sleep by the light of the moon? Why, hitting the hay with radiant beams of digitalized screens dancing and surrounding your bed talking to you before, during and after you've fallen asleep of course! It's not enough to have a nice little, paper-bound childrens' book with a 2-D illustrated layout of a toddler's bedroom. No. That era of simplicity has ended. The time has come to embrace the ever-changing world of gadgets that frequent a young person's world. From IPads to Nooks, to LCDs and eBooks, the bedtime process has become infinitely more exciting yet exhausting.

Ah, remember the days when the nightime agenda went a little something like this: take a bath, brush your teeth, curl with and listen to a story, lights out. Things are pretty much the same, I guess, except that they're not. The most important part of the bedtime process, "lights out", is no longer the norm. Moonlit solace. Turning off the world. Being able to fully embrace and enjoy the nighttime quietude. How can we achieve any state of calm with the constantly invasive nature of hand-held, portable electronics?

Simple. Turn.Them.OFF. :)

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